The Borough of West Cape May’s interest in supporting the needs of the developmentally disabled in their community resulted in the development and construction of Cape Manor. The goal of Cape Manor is to link affordable housing with supportive services so that people with special needs are able to live independent, stables lives in a community setting.

From the outside, Cape Manor appears to be just like any other two-story single family home. However, inside there are seven efficiency apartments with a private bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and living area, including three fully accessible units on the ground floor. In addition, the building includes areas for visitors, management, and support services, as well as resident storage, laundry facilities and a community living room.

Cape Manor Supportive Housing is a participant in the New Jersey Energy Star Homes Program; the building is Energy Star certified and includes passive solar design. The passive solar design will reduce energy costs, maintenance of systems and provide comfort to Cape Manor residents. Some other sustainable features include porous (pervious) paving and low-VOC paints and sealants throughout.

  • Collaborative Support Programs
  • 7
  • Completed September, 2010
  • Project of the Year, Supportive Housing Association of New Jersey (SHA-NJ)