Volunteers of America of the Delaware Valley (VOADV) enlisted the services of Thriven Design to bring about the historic restoration and adaptive reuse of the former North Broad Street Train Station. Now a transitional housing institution, it includes a Community Reintegration Program, which offers job training and referral services for 100 recently released adult offenders, a large reception area with lobby and mail room, and primary care services. The upper floors house a total of 90 single room occupancy units for qualifying homeless individuals and offenders, as well as six one-bedroom independent living units for those transitioning to full-time employment and independence. Located in a separate wing, there are six additional Special Needs single room occupancy units which serve HIV-positive and TB-infected individuals. This wing of the facility offers a separate air ventilation system, which allows for a higher number of air changes per hour.

  • Commissioned by Volunteers of America of the Delaware Valley
  • 192
  • Completed July 1997
Station House Apartments, Philadelphia, PA
Station House Apartments, Philadelphia, PA